Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Getting into it

It's been a week now since I've started the whole health craze and getting fit and I have to admit that I am starting to feel great!

The first step that I took in order to take control of myself and my body was keeping track of my daily intake and being conscious of what I eat. This was eye opening to me because I used to think that I didn't eat that badly but after keeping track of what I normally eat, I did notice that I could be more conscious of my daily caloric intake. The iPhone app My Fitness Pal has been a great tool for me. It has a huge database of foods and the calories that they have and also a database of all kinds of exercises.

I decided I would do everything I can to stick to 1200 calories a day and have done a pretty good job at it so far. It definitely has been difficult as my body is so used to taking in so much more that I find myself still hungry but I have been mentally training myself to be in control.

Not only have I took control of what I eat but I did get back into exercising again. Running has always been an up and down challenge for me, where I will want to run one day and not run other days. I actually was able to push myself last week and run 3.2 miles.

Another new love of mine that I recently discovered is Yoga. I've always had low expectations of what Yoga can do but after taking my first class last Friday, it completely changed my life and I felt so rejuventated after. After then, I ended up signing up for YogaWorks and have to say that it is the best investment that I have made in a long time. They have a great facility with fabulous instructors. I just took their Pilates class on Monday and it completely kicked my butt. I'm still sore until today, but definitely a good sore feeling. Feel free to check their website out at:

I will continue to keep my goals in mind and challenge myself to meet those goals for nothing is impossible.